That time of year again!

I know what you’re thinking… time for bells, reindeer and holiday cheer, right?


It’s time for me to move again!
That’s right kids, Devon is moving for the umpteenth time!

Because of this (slightly non-celebratory occasion) I decided to try and remember all my moves.  Dates are approximate because my memory does not serve me well and all my moves have all been very different (different amounts of stuff moved, different reasons, etc) but I’ll leave that information out so not to bore you.

So, here it goes!

1979-1998 (same state [CO], same city {Denver], same neighborhood, same block, same house, different rooms)

Fall 1998 – Moved to Portland, OR

May 1999 – Moved back to Denver, CO

August 1999 – Moved to Boston, MA

May 2000 – Moved back to Denver, CO

July 2000 – Moved back to Boston, MA (different apartment)

August 2000 – Moved to different apartment in Boston, MA

August 2003 – Moved to different apartment in Boston, MA

May 2004 – Moved all my stuff to Chicago, IL (with the intention of spending the summer in Denver and heading back to Chicago)

August 2004 – Moved all my stuff to Denver (cause I got a job there instead)

November 2004 – Moved to an apartment in Denver, CO

March 2005 – Moved back in with mom (lost my job)

June 2005 – Moved to Columbus, OH (temporary; to spend time with my sister)

August 2005 – Moved back to Denver, CO

September 2005 – Moved to Osaka, JAPAN

February 2006 – Moved to different apartment in Osaka, JAPAN

December 2006 – Moved back to Denver, CO (temporary; to spend time with my mom)

June 2007 – Moved to Chicago, IL

June 2008 – Moved back to Denver, CO (temporary, to spend time with my mom)

August 2008 – Moved back to Chicago, IL

January 2009 – Moved back to Denver, CO

August 2009 – Moved to Tokyo, JAPAN

Today – Moved to a different guest house in Tokyo, JAPAN.


I’m sick of moving my stuff around but I’ll never get sick of meeting new people and experiencing new things. I really appreciate and feel so happy to have met so many wonderful people in my life.

But it would also be nice to settle down and have dinno. (inside joke, sorry)

This entry was published on November 28, 2009 at 8:28 am. It’s filed under i forgot to give this one a category and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

5 thoughts on “That time of year again!

  1. So, how did your latest move go? All good in the new house?

    • Things went well! Just trying to find a place for everything! It’s hard when there’s no storage! I was thinking I would use the top bunk bed but I’ve decided to make that my computer room/office and musical instrument practice area… it’s like a little loft! But yeah, my clothes are everywhere right now.

      At first I thought the house was going to be bad because in the car the manager told me a lot of Japanese people had recently left (great!) and a huge percent of the people here are Korean. But they all speak Japanese very well and none of them speak English or really want to so we always speak Japanese, which is great! Last night we had a little party for my moving in. Very good night (all in Japanese). So yeah I’m happy. The area is cute too (more stuff but still local feeling) and fast into downtown Tokyo (and less crowded train). I’ll have to tell you had the commute goes tomorrow… forecast says rain. :O

  2. That post makes my brain hurt. There is a little bulldog somewhere in the world hoping you’ll settle down somewhere soon… teehee.

  3. bemyduende on said:

    Oops! Forgot the summer I moved to Washington DC! Add two more trips to that list!

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